
Email Policy


See below for complete email policy details.

If you inapproriately received an email from us, we apologize for the inconvenience. We respect all removal requests.

Click here to be removed from the email list for EnglandEvents.com or other lists.

Click here to be added to the email list for EnglandEvents.com or other lists.

Contact us with questions or problems regarding our policies.

Email Policy Terms

  1. Definitions
    1. Systems - software, hardware, information, methods, personnel, etc. comprising this site
    2. User - person or organization using the Systems
    3. Vendor - EnglandEvents.com, employees, agents, subcontractors, representatives and assigns
  2. Purpose of this Email Policy. Over the last number of years, unsolicited email has created trouble for many people, and so spawned laws and policies attempting to alleviate the problems. The purpose of this Email Policy is to see that the Vendor complies with the applicable laws and policies of governing bodies and service providers.
  3. Compliance. The Vendor believes the policies herein are in compliance with all applicable laws. The Vendor believes these policies are in compliance with all Terms of Use policies of all applicable service providers.
  4. Legitimate Emails. The Vendor only sends emails that comply with applicable law. All the information in the email is legitimate. The Vendor clearly identifies the email is sent from the Vendor, and accurately identifies the purpose of the email in the subject line.
  5. Removal. Users can remove their email addresses from our email lists in at least one or more ways, which include replying to an email, sending to an email address, calling a phone number, clicking a link, filling out a web form or mailing to a postal address. Removed email addresses are not added to any other lists and are not shared with any other parties.
  6. Postings. Removal from a list does not affect contact information in postings. For example, if the User's email address is listed as the contact for a posting (such as an event or organization), the User may be sent emails in regards to the posting. If the User does not want to receive emails in regards to postings, the User must not list their email address as a contact.
  7. Explicit Authorization Given by Users. The User, by emailing the Vendor or posting information on Vendor websites, explicitly establishes a relationship with the Vendor. This is simply restating applicable laws. Since Users are voluntarily providing the Vendor information, all Users explicitly grant the Vendor authorization to contact any email addresses found in the information.

Policy Changes

This policy may change at any time. Updates to this policy will be posted here, with no other notice.

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